Where the hell have you been? Part One: Beauty and the Beast
It's been a while.
I had a stretch of time from the middle to end of July when there wasn't a single day free of work of some kind- editing, table waiting, directing. Wedding planning was accomplished (barely) in the spare moments in between.
I'm kind of surprised to still be alive. And sane.
To my eternal surprise and pleasure, the play was an awesome success. We sold an almost record breaking amount of tickets- almost 4200 for six performances. We had almost 900 patrons at the final performance, which is second only to WCT's one-night-only Oliver performance. It was amazing. There was a scare at one performance that Shelley wouldn't be able to perform, but she pulled it off with grace and power. It was amazing- she's a fantastic actress.
And then there's all the drinking I did between performances. Dave's party this year was an all-nighter. We were bound and determined to make it to Telly's the next morning for breakfast. Thanks to Kenny's karaoke machine and the Spaceman (vodka+Tang+mini marshmellows) we did it as hard as we've ever done it. On the roof of Dave's house at dawn I found out that Bob worked as a DJ in strip bar in college. Wow. Just...wow.
Also, I ran interference on two chicks for Nick, and as far as I can tell it worked. Although he's on his own if he gets back into trouble. It was like a one woman bachelorette party that lasted all summer.
After the show closed, it was a break-neck slide into wedding!