I promise I'm still alive.
I've got some explaining to do, though. I've been MIA and completely kntting-free for quite a while. The good news is that I think the weather's nice enough to start work on Lelah. And Holly and Jenny and I (oh my!) have been working, slowly but surely, on that afghan. And other than that, it's been wedding wedding wedding. And hoping for a job.
I've got almost 400 cranes folded, and I'll do another 30 or so during American Idol (yeah, I know. I roll my eyes at myself, too). I overbought on origami paper. I've got enough to make about 3000 cranes. Whoops. Meh, it's gorgeous and I'll use it for something. MyPublisher has a promising photobook- it's 12" by 16"! And for about sixty bucks! And if you search on the interwebs, you can find coupons! That's definitely what we'll be doing with our candids and pro shots. These are probably the rings we'll get, if Dan's fingers can fit the size (maybe). I still need to buy ribbon, make rentals, book the caterer (but we've got a photographer! YEAH!), order the damn flowers already, etc. etc. We're really not that far along. But I do have a dress.
And a place to do it at.
And a person to do it with.
So it's happening. No matter what.