That's it- you're going in the closet.
So, while the silk sari yarn is beautiful, it has a tendency to snap at crucial moments- a trait I have never before experienced in yarn. After three of the four working strands snapped on my current project, I dumped the box of yarn back into the closet. It's beautiful yarn, but I deserve better treatment than that!
So, instead, I pulled out a ball of Mission Falls to knit a swatch from Tubey. Sadly, my size 7 tips for the NeedleMaster are missing, so I pulled out the size 6 and cast on. The gauge is 20/24, and I'm a loose knitter, so I thought I'd be close. Right? Nope. Waaaaaay too big. It was more like 16. So I frogged it and cast on with size 5 needles. So I've dropped three sizes, and the fabric is a lot stiffer, but I almost achieved gauge. It's about 18.5, and I've decided to live with it. But, really, size 5? Am I really that loose, or are the ball bands- and patterns-lying to me? What happens when I want to knit a sock? The needles only get so small!