Thursday, October 27, 2005

Now that it's over, I've got more knitting time

I promised myself that for good or ill, I would not talk about my GRE scores with anyone but my parents and Dan. I. would. not.

And I won't... but I will say that when I came out of the testing room, the proctor looked at me and said, "Huh. I haven't seen a score like that, and I've been here almost seven years."

He also made fun of me when I came in because I a.) insisted on wearing my (newly knitted) scarf into the testing room despite the... tropical climate and b.) asked where the bathroom was when I was facing the sign and standing not six inches from it. And I signed in where I was supposed to sign out. Twice.

Mind was elsewhere, I guess.

Scores went to Michigan State, Northwestern, UC Berkeley, and Stanford.

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I love language. I love knitting. I love photography. I love my husband. I love my daughter. I love my puppies. Reach me at vmachak at gmail dot com.

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She Has Arrived

Vivienne Beatrix

June 20, 2008
12:00 pm
7 pounds, 15 ounces
20.25 inches


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