What I got for Christmas
...none of it was knitting. None of it. But that doesn't mean that I won't be getting something knitting-related for myself... sometime.
The breakdown:
- Prime lens and bracket for my 10d (hurrah!)
- kitchen goodies- pyrex refrigerator dishes, silicone spatulas, wooden spoons, a stainless frying pan, an 8-quart pot, and an old-fashioned popcorn popper
- Deadwood, season 3, The Simpsons, season 5, and Carnivale, season 2 (and the lost episodes of Ren and Stimpy)
- his and hers Nalgene bottles
- a 4.0 (that one I snuck under the tree for myself- I'm not grade-driven, but I like to look good on paper)
- a super-comfy robe (that doesn't have pockets that the puppies chewed to bits, might I add)
- a fine blend of gift cards
- my grandmother's Christmas tree- this was her favorite time of year, and the tree gave her so much delight that she put it up before Halloween (no joke). This is the tree my baby will see at its first Christmas, and the thought of it brings tears to my eyes- the bittersweet kind.
Next up: New Year's. A most dreaded holiday for the former party girl turned pregnant lady. Our solution: we're staying in. It's veggie sushi and a Lord of the Rings marathon. Not everyone's cup of tea, but we will enjoy it.