Finals Week is OVER!
Ohmygodohmygodohmygod I can finally, finally slow down. I can't believe I survived writing that much in one week- 40 pages! It came as no surprise that the papers I actually wanted to write were the easiest and most fun, and the one I didn't care about was excruciating. Dan was my trusty proofreader, and everything got turned in on time, and to good reviews (at least so far). In fact, it looks like there is the possibility of a grant, some collaborative research with the head of my department, and a bitchin' MA thesis about the word fuck in my future (seriously. complete with brain scans and other science-y stuff).
Here's a recap, in pictures:
Here's the "before" picture- this is the paper I didn't enjoy, which is a shame, because I quite like Old English. I also wrote about what swearing says about the continuity between animal communication and human language. The last paper was about Eddie Izzard's bilingual stand-up comedy and its general awesomeness.
This (well, two of these) happened instead of writing on Saturday- this is my first pie crust, and it turned out great! Keep your Crisco in the fridge, folks. I gave this one to my dad for his birthday on Sunday. It was delicious with frogurt. Now that I know how to make a pie crust, my ass is in danger of never returning to my pre-pregnancy clothes.
Instead of writing on Sunday (I think?) I went shopping for fabric for the crib bumper. I intend to supplement with ultra-cute (and expensive) Japanese cotton prints and some broadcloth to match the nursery (which is painted!).
I also procrastinated by sewing a dress (it's not quite done), watching the Star Wars trilogy, throwing popcorn at the screen during American Idol, and knitting (only a little, though).
Somehow I made it through the week, and still managed to put in part-time hours at work. And clean the house yesterday (the laundry is another matter). I feel like superwoman. I think I'm going to go work on the ripple blanket that stalled out a couple months ago, now that I have a nursery to stash it in.
I also procrastinated by sewing a dress (it's not quite done), watching the Star Wars trilogy, throwing popcorn at the screen during American Idol, and knitting (only a little, though).
Somehow I made it through the week, and still managed to put in part-time hours at work. And clean the house yesterday (the laundry is another matter). I feel like superwoman. I think I'm going to go work on the ripple blanket that stalled out a couple months ago, now that I have a nursery to stash it in.